02/07/2024 0 Kommentarer
Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association Response to Anti-Semitic Violence in our Region
Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association Response to Anti-Semitic Violence in our Region
Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association Response to Anti-Semitic Violence in our Region
# Uncategorized
Udgivet mandag d. 27. januar 2020 kl. 12:26
Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association Response to Anti-Semitic Violence in our Region
Den 27. januar er International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Derfor vil vi gerne dele disse ord på vegne af Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association. Et fælles modsvar på de stigende antisemitiske angreb på den jødiske befolkning her i Brooklyn. Vi støtter religiøs mangfoldighed.
Læs hele svaret her.
Foto: Rally No Hate No Fear January 05 2020 NYC Brooklyn Bridge (Image by David Andersson)