Følg og støt Sømandskirken






Om Sømandskirken

Året igennem danner Sømandskirken rammen om kirkelige, kulturelle og sociale arrangementer for alle med en tilknytning til Danmark og USA. Sømandskirken er lige dele kirke og kultur- og forsamlingshus med aktiviteter for børn, unge og voksne, tilflyttere, turister og danskere med midlertidigt eller permanent ophold i USA. Vi holder gudstjenester, mødregruppe, Skt. Hans, konfirmation, brunch, fodboldturnering, julemarked og vielser, og tager glade mod turister, skoleklasser og andre nysgerrige, som svinger forbi Sømandskirkens skønne brownstonebygning i Brooklyn Hights

Sømandskirken er en selvstændig kirke med en selvstændig økonomi. Menigheden er ansvarlig for kirkens økonomiske drift, da kun sømandspræstens løn betales af Danske Sømands- og Udlandskirker. Sømandskirken er med i organisationen Danske Sømands- og Udlandskirker og under biskoppeligt tilsyn af Københavns biskop Peter Skov-Jakobsen, hvilket betyder at kirken er en del af Folkekirken.


About the church

All year round, the Danish Seamen’s Church hosts spiritual, cultural, and social events and celebrations for everyone with ties to Denmark and the US. The Danish Seamen’s Church, located in a beautiful brownstone building in Brooklyn Heights, brings people together for church and cultural events, be it Danes residing in the US either temporarily or on a permanent basis. Children, young people, adults, ex-pats, and tourists meet for Sunday services, a mommy & me group, konfirmation classes, monthly brunches, weddings, a soccer tournament, Christmas market, midsummer celebration, and happily welcome visits from tourists, schools, and others who are curious about the Seamen’s Church. 

The Seamen’s Church is an independent church with independent financials. The congregation is responsible for the economic operation of the church; only the pastor’s salary is paid by the Danish Church Abroad/Danish Seamen’s Church. The church is part of the organization Danish Seamen's Church and Church Abroad and is under ecclesial supervision by the bishop of Copenhagen Peter Skov-Jakobsen, making the church part of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Denmark.

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